
The graphics on the Volvo C40’s dashboard and front door panels are directly inspired by the Abisko national park in Sweden, as seen in this comparison. The contours of a topography map of the park were traced and used to create an abstract digitalised design with a layered pattern. Backlit by LED lamps, it creates an atmospheric three-dimensional effect.

jun 07, 2021 ID: 282479
The graphics on the Volvo C40’s dashboard and front door panels are directly inspired by the Abisko national park in Sweden, as seen in this comparison. The contours of a topography map of the park were traced and used to create an abstract digitalised design with a layered pattern. Backlit by LED lamps, it creates an atmospheric three-dimensional effect.
The graphics on the Volvo C40’s dashboard and front door panels are directly inspired by the Abisko national park in Sweden, as seen in this comparison. The contours of a topography map of the park were traced and used to create an abstract digitalised design with a layered pattern. Backlit by LED lamps, it creates an atmospheric three-dimensional effect.
Illustration, EC40, Product News, 2022

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