
Animal Detection

05 jul, 2013 ID: 49634
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Videoformat tillgängliga för nedladdning:
Mobilanpassad (.mp4) 0:42 Min, MPEG-4, 16:9, 480 X 270, 5.7 MB
Hög kvalitet (.mov) 0:42 Min, Quicktime H264, 16:9, 1920 X 1080, 18.6 MB
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The technology detects and automatically brakes for animals both in daylight and in the dark. Animal Detection technology is designed to help the driver avoid the accident or reduce the speed of impact. The active and passive safety systems cooperate in order to help minimise the consequences. Initially, Volvo Cars are focusing on large animals as they cause the most damage and the most severe injuries.

Upphovsrätten till innehållet i ljud- och bildarkivet ägs av Volvo Personvagnar/Volvo Personbilar, Public Affairs, SE-405 31 Göteborg, eller dess intressebolag. Alla rättigheter förbehålls.

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