
Collision Warning with Full Auto Brake and pedestrian detection

23 dec, 2008 ID: 18529
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Collision Warning with Full Auto Brake *(CWAB) and pedestrian detection reacts when a pedestrian walks out in front of a car - and will activate the car's full braking power if the driver does not respond to the danger. This groundbreaking innovation is being presented in the Volvo S60 Concept. "The previous stages were developed to help the driver avoid collisions with other vehicles. Now we are taking a giant step forward with a feature that also boosts safety for unprotected road-users. What is more, we are now advancing from fifty percent to full automatic braking power. To our knowledge, none of our competitors have made such progress in this area," explains Thomas Broberg, safety expert at Volvo Cars. This technology is also highly beneficial in the event of rear-end impacts with other vehicles. Studies indicate that half of all drivers who drive into another vehicle from behind do not brake prior to the collision.
Old S60, Produktnyheter

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