
Fuel cap at the rear of the Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car.

juin 01, 2009 ID: 19619
Fuel cap at the rear of the Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car.
A demonstration fleet of the Plug-in hybrids will be tested during 2009 to gather information about the customers’ demands on performance, driving experience and fuel options. The Plug-in hybrid demonstration car is a Volvo V70 with a combined electric motor and fuel-efficient diesel engine, enabling convenient, economical and emission-free driving. The range when driving on the battery is up to 50 km. When the battery is charged with electricity from renewable sources the environmental footprint from a lifecycle perspective is very low. The Plug-in hybrid demonstration cars have a charge port under the fuel cap at the rear for fast charging at public charging stations and one at the front for home charging. It takes 1.5–2.5 hours to charge the Lithium-Ion battery from a fast charging station and 4–6 hours from a wall-socket at home.
Mots clés:
V70 (2007), Extérieur, Nouvelles concernant les produits

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