
Cyclist Detection with full Auto brake - No narration

mars 05, 2013 ID: 48177
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formats vidéo disponibles pour téléchargement:
Qualité pour mobile (.mp4) 1:06 min., MPEG-4, 16:9, 480 X 270, 8.9 MB
Qualité supérieure (.mov) 1:06 min., HQ Quicktime H264, 16:9, 1920 X 1080, 20.6 MB
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Video presenting the new Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection with Full Autobrake available as of week 2013 on V40, S60, V60, XC60, V70, XC70 ans S80. The feature consists of a radar unit integrated into the car’s grille, a camera fitted in front of the interior rear-view mirror, and a central control unit. The high-resolution camera makes it possible to spot the moving pattern of pedestrians and cyclists. The radar scans the area in front of the car. Once it has detected an object, the camera confirms that it is a vehicle, a bicycle or a pedestrian and it keeps an “eye” on the object. If the situation becomes critical and in collision-course with the object a red warning flashes in the windscreen and the car activates full braking power automatically.
Mots clés:
Old S60, V40, Old V60, Volvo XC60, 2014, XC70 (2008-2016), V70 (2008-2016), S80 (2008-2016), Nouvelles relatives aux produits

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