
Volvo Cars drops new cars from 30 metres to help rescue services save lives

Kas 13, 2020 İD: 274394
Volvo Cars drops new cars from 30 metres to help rescue services save lives
To allow rescue services to prepare for any possible crash scenario and to simulate the forces that erupt in the most extreme crashes, beyond what can be simulated with ordinary crash testing, Volvo Cars recently took equally extreme measures. For the first time, it dropped several new Volvos multiple times from a crane, from a height of 30 metres.
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Dis Tasarim, Diğer, Ürün Haberleri

İçeriğin telif hakları Volvo Cars, Public Affairs, SE-405 31 Göteburg'a ya da bağlı şirketlerine aittir. Bütün hakları saklıdır.

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