
On-board charger for electric cars (illustration without text)

nov 05, 2012 ID: 46525
On-board charger for electric cars (illustration without text)
The new 22 kW fast-charger in the Volvo C30 Electric is the world’s first charger that operates on three-phase supplies and is small enough to be fitted in an electric car. It operates six times faster than today's on-board devices. The charging unit in the test fleet cars offers the car owner two possibilities. Using a 400 Volt three-phase outlet with a 32A gives you 80 km range in 30 minutes, while a full charge takes 1.5 hours. Plugging in to an ordinary single-phase 230 V household outlet gives a charging time of 8-10 hours, depending on the available current.
C30, Illustrazione, Product News

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