À propos de la Newsroom

The Volvo Cars Global Newsroom is Volvo Car Group's dedicated channel for providing company information such as images, videos and press releases to journalists, bloggers and other professional publishers around the globe. The site provides the latest as well as historical information about Volvo Car Group and Volvo cars, and is also a guide for whom to contact for any media questions.


The images and the videos cannot be used in any advertising or commercial context without a written permission from Volvo Car Group, Corporate Communications or the PR contact persons in the list of Media Contacts.


The global Newsroom is available for any user. Volvo customers can also find all relevant information on www.volvocars.com.


To subscribe to news updates via e-mail – please take a minute to Register/Subscribe.


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Site Suggestions

In early 2016 Volvo Cars revealed a complete refresh of the Global Newsroom. The channel was fully renewed according to Volvo Cars’ Designed Around You corporate culture, taking the demands and requirements of the modern-day journalist as a focal point.


However, we also believe that good things can always be made better and we will continue to develop the Newsroom going forward. That is why Volvo Cars welcomes feedback and encourages users of the Newsroom to share their experiences with using the Newsroom, allowing further improvement of the platform. Feedback of any nature can be sent via e-mail to media@volvocars.com and will be treated with full confidentiality.