
Volvo S60, Pedestrian Detection - Log Sequence (1:16)

févr. 09, 2010 ID: 31850
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Authentic pedestrian detection log sequence from the S60’s forward-looking camera. The film shows which objects the camera detects in front of the car. Pink squares are pedestrians and blue squares are vehicles. The number above the square is the identification number and the number below is the distance to the object (in metres). Pedestrian Detection with full auto brake can detect pedestrians in front of the car, alert the driver – and automatically activate the car’s full braking power if the driver fails to respond. The technology can avoid a collision with a pedestrian at speeds up to 35 km/h. It consists of a newly developed radar unit in the grille, a camera in front of the interior rear-view mirror, and a central control unit. The radar detects the object and the distance to it. The camera determines what type of object it is.
Mots clés:
Old S60, 2011, Nouvelles concernant les produits

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