
Volvo Car Corporation, Flywheel KERS, system layout, with explaining texts.

mai 26, 2011 ID: 38467
Volvo Car Corporation, Flywheel KERS, system layout, with explaining texts.
Flywheel KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) is fitted to the rear axle. During retardation, the braking energy causes the flywheel to spin at up to 60,000 revs per minute. When the car starts moving off again, the flywheel’s rotation is transferred to the rear wheels via a specially designed transmission. The fuel consumption can be reduced by approx. 25%. Also horse powers are boosted and acceleration improved. This is a research project in cooperation with Volvo Powertrain and SKF.
Mots clés:
Illustration, Nouvelles concernant les produits

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