
Pedestrian Detection with full auto brake

19 feb, 2013 ID: 47625
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Mobilanpassad (.mp4) 0:28 Min, MPEG-4, 16:9, 480 X 270, 5.7 MB
Hög kvalitet (.mov) 0:28 Min, Quicktime H264, 16:9, 1920 X 1080, 417.5 MB
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Pedestrian Detection with full auto brake is a technology that can detect if a pedestrian steps out into the road in front of the car. In an emergency situation the driver first receives an audible warning combined with a flashing light in the windscreen’s head-up display. If the driver fails to react to the warning and a collision is imminent, full braking power is automatically applied. The technology can avoid a collision with a pedestrian at speeds up to 35 km/h if the driver does not react in time. At higher speeds, the focus is on reducing the car’s speed as much as possible prior to impact.
Old S60, V40, Old V60, Volvo XC60, XC70 (2007), 1995, 2014, V40 Gen I, XC70 (2008-2016), V70 (2008-2016), S80 (2008-2016), Produktnyheter

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