
The Driving Ape II

30 mar, 2004 ID: 11779
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This film is about traffic safety research in general and is presented by Katie Knapman. This is a comprehensive film that covers all aspects of traffic safety, from human behaviour behind the wheel to intelligent cars of the future. Cars that can savelives by helping the drivers in a way that perhaps even an ape can be the perfect driver. There is also a recreation of an authentic accident with the passenger of the crashed car present at the Volvo crash laboratory where the test is performed. This external version contains less focus on Volvo and active safety than in the internal version.

Upphovsrätten till innehållet i ljud- och bildarkivet ägs av Volvo Personvagnar/Volvo Personbilar, Public Affairs, SE-405 31 Göteborg, eller dess intressebolag. Alla rättigheter förbehålls.

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