
Technical concept I (series connected) with text

juin 27, 2013 ID: 39155
Technical concept I (series connected) with text
The Range Extender is used to give the electric car more driving range. A three-cylinder petrol engine (40 kW / 60 hp) under the rear load compartment floor is connected to a 40 kW generator that can drive the car’s electric motor (82 kW / 111 hp).Functionality: • Standard mode: Electricity from the battery powers the electric motor. • When the battery is depleted the petrol engine starts and powers the electric motor via the generator. The generator can charge the battery at the same time to enable pure electric drive when the battery is depleted, for example to use in a low emission zoneNote: The illustration describes the functionality of the technology. It is not showing the exact technical solution.
Mots clés:
Illustration, Actualités Produit

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