
Volvo Cars Alcoguard

sept. 03, 2007 ID: 12163
Volvo Cars Alcoguard
The car industry’s first factory-fitted alcolock. The driver breathes into the hand-held unit, a pump conveys the exhaled air to the fuel cell. Alcohol molecules present in the air are caught by the fuel cell’s platinum membrane and cause a current in the fuel cell. The more alcohol molecules there are the greater the current. The strength of this current in turn determines which of the three LEDs in the hand unit lights up: green, yellow or red.
Mots clés:
XC70 (2007), People, Autres, 2008, 2009, XC70 (2008-2016), V70 (2008-2016), S80 (2008-2016), Actualités Produit

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