
City Safety

Feb 19, 2013 ID: 47624
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Mobile Quality (.mp4) 0:25 min, MPEG-4, 16:9, 480 X 270, 3.5 MB
High Quality (.mov) 0:25 min, Quicktime H264, 16:9, 1920 X 1080, 270.8 MB
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City Safety is active at speeds up to 50 km/h. The car automatically brakes if the driver fails to react in time when the vehicle in front slows down or stops – or if the car is approaching a stationary vehicle too fast. The collision can be avoided if the relative speed difference between the two vehicles is below 15 km/h. If the speed difference is between 15 and 50 km/h, the speed of impact is reduced to minimise the effects of the collision.
Old S60, S80 (2007), Old V60, Volvo XC60, XC70 (2007), 2014, 2015, Product News

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