
The Volvo C40’s wool textile upholstery is inspired by Scandinavian living, says Rekha Meena, senior design manager, colour and material: "The rooms in Swedish houses are usually characterised by a cosy and warm feeling, and we tried to recreate this feeling using wool."

juin 07, 2021 ID: 282481
The Volvo C40’s wool textile upholstery is inspired by Scandinavian living, says Rekha Meena, senior design manager, colour and material: "The rooms in Swedish houses are usually characterised by a cosy and warm feeling, and we tried to recreate this feeling using wool."
The Volvo C40’s wool textile upholstery is inspired by Scandinavian living, says Rekha Meena, senior design manager, colour and material: "The rooms in Swedish houses are usually characterised by a cosy and warm feeling, and we tried to recreate this feeling using wool."
Mots clés:
Interior, EC40, Nouvelles relatives aux produits, 2022

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