
Inductive battery charging

Mai 20, 2011 ID: 38137
Inductive battery charging
A charging plate is buried in the ground, for instance in the driveway at home where the car is parked. The charging plate consists of a coil that generates a magnetic field. When the car is parked above the plate, energy from the plate is transferred without contact to the car’s inductive pick-up. The energy that is transferred is alternating current and this is then converted into direct current in the car’s built-in voltage converter, which in turn charges the car’s battery pack. Charging a battery pack of the size fitted to the Volvo C30 Electric, 24 kWh, takes about an hour and twenty minutes, if the battery is entirely discharged. The charging system that is being tested is dimensioned for 20 kW. (Images with explaining text is also available on Newsroom)
C30, Illustration, Produktmeldungen

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